Saturday, May 8, 2010

What Are The Laws Of The Universe

The laws of the universe are a set of guidelines that many follow believing that it is the sure fire way to achieve riches and happiness. While physical laws explain why something works, these seven natural laws explain how the more spiritual side of the universe work and how one can use these laws for their own benefit.

Many believe that the purpose of life is to become better and better; to improve and improve. These laws are a way of recognizing this goal. This is why it is so important to understand and master the seven laws.

The law of vibration is one of the first laws. It states that everything from ducks to paper, to your thoughts and ideas move constantly. These movements vibrate on a constant frequency. By learning how to use these frequencies and how to tap into them you will be able to attract the items that work on those channels to you. So, if you keep a good outlook on life by keeping a positive attitude, you will attract positive things, people, and outcomes.

The law of relativity is a way to help us understand how to compare everything in life to one another. This is a way to help us gain and keep perspective when dealing with others. By understanding that your life is not as bad as some others and in turn not as good as others you will be able to continue striving upwards while not feeling too discouraged.

Cycles and pulse plays a large part in the world and all of our lives. The law of rhythm helps us to understand how we fit into it all. Just like with the tides or the season, we too, have a rhythm. Not just our heartbeat or breathing, but life as a whole work on this principle. No matter how hard you rail against it, bad things happen but take heart in knowing that it will get better it always gets better.

The rest of the laws include cause and effect, transmutation, gestation, and polarity. Transmutation is probably the most fascinating and involves the belief that our thoughts are capable of creating a physical representation. Cause and effect is probably the most well known. Every action creates a like reaction so if you live a life of positive thoughts you will surely receive positive results.

While enlightenment takes life times to achieve, these guidelines provide a great way to start. Even if you are not looking for enlightenment you can surely use the rules to your benefit. The laws of the universe are important to understand and once you do you will be able to harness them to your liking.